lazy sunday - weekend reading for writers, creatives, and thinkers

My Sunday isn’t actually going to be all that lazy. This weekend is all about family, including a surprise grad party for one cousin and driving several hours to see my sister and her kids. I’m not complaining, of course — but I will probably need an extra hour on Monday to get some good relax-and-recharge time in.

If your weekend is a lot more relaxed than mine, though, you might be in need of some good reading. So pour yourself a second cup (coffee with too much cream for me today) and enjoy a little bit of time to yourself. That’s the point of a weekend, right?

a wisdom of wombats

Al Qarawiyyin, the oldest university in the world

the problem with tenure, and why it’s so hard to solve


on repeat for the summer, not at all ashamed

if a crisis of your own making isn’t the time to lay blame, then the optimal strategy is to ensure that the crisis never ends

it has pockets! (probably the most accurate thing on the internet)

how to join the secret society of letter writers

19 places to send your personal essays

And to save for later:

poetry for today

romance for tomorrow